Women’s News: U.S. Ranks Near Bottom Among Advanced Nations In Efficiency Of Health Care Spending


The Huffington Post  |  By 

While the great health care debate continues across the nation, a new study shows our struggles for health care go far beyond just the quarrels in Washington.

Researchers at McGill University and the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health analyzed the efficacy of health care systems across the world and found the U.S. ranks 22nd out of 27 high income nations when it comes to increasing life expectancy.

The analysis, published in the American Journal of Public Health , defined health efficiency by the increase in life expectancy relative to health care dollars spent. In the U.S., every additional $100 spent on health care increased patient life expectancy by around half a month, while in the most efficient nations life expectancy grew by over four months with the same cost. Germany topped off the list of most efficient nations, followed by Switzerland and Italy, while Luxembourg and Greece fell at the bottom.

The inefficiency of U.S. spending is particularly staggering, although not necessarily surprising, given that in 2009, publicly-financed health care expenses reached $1.14 trillion, up from $646 billion in 2001. It’s one of the top countries when it comes to health care spending by capita in the world, trumped only by Switzerland.

But there’s more.

“While there are large differences in the efficiency of health spending across countries, men have experienced greater life expectancy gains than women per health dollar spent within nearly every country,” study author Douglas Barthold said in a release.

When it comes to increasing female life expectancy, the U.S. ranking dropped down further to 25th place while it fared slightly better for men’s health care efficiency at 18th place. Troublingly, women pay $1 billion more than men annually in insurance costs according to one report.

The findings raise several questions on how a more advanced nation can have such an inefficient health care system and why there is such a substantial gender disparity. But the key to a more efficient system could be treating it as a health care system rather than a “sick care” system, Huffington Post blogger Susan Blumental wrote. “Costs are compounded by preventable chronic illness… tobacco use, obesity and lack of physical activity — have overwhelmed the American health care system,” Blumenthal wrote.

Researchers say the findings warrant further research on the gender disparities and the lack of investment in preventive medicine.

Read More:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/12/us-health-care-efficiency_n_4430101.html?utm_hp_ref=womens-health

Women’s News: 19 Stages Of New Year’s Eve Planning Anxiety


The Huffington Post  |  By 

Deciding how to spend New Year’s Eve is usually a gigantic production. Not only is it the most overhyped “party night” of the year — just staying in is, apparently, not an option — but everyone has a different idea of what makes an “epic” night. Whether it’s paying way too much money to go to a club, raging at a warehouse party in a predictably sketchy part of town, or packing into Times Square or its equivalent to watch something fall from the sky, figuring out how to just have a good time on New Year’s can be shockingly difficult.

Here are the 19 stages of New Year’s Eve planning anxiety:

1. The conversation first comes up at brunch in November, which is just way too early. And, unfortunately, the opinions being tossed around aren’t quite your scene. 

2. “I heard about this awesome dance party!”

3. “Ooh let’s go to a fancy hotel!”

4. “What about a gala? Something black tie?”

5. It’s shaping up to be an expensive night.

6. One where you’ll have to wear heels and stand in a line.

7. But resistance is futile at this point, so you nod and play along.

8. Fast-forward to mid-December, where everyone starts panicking about having a set plan before people peel off for the holidays.

9. But when the previous suggestions are re-hashed, you’re not having it. 

10. Your only requirement for the evening? This:

11. The email chain your friend started about the night is now 102 messages long.

12. You browse Facebook to get away from it all.

13. But what’s this on your sidebar? An invite you somehow missed?

14. A New Year’s house party? Friends of friends are welcome?

15. Hallelujah!

16. All that’s left is getting ready for the night itself. Grab your shiniest dress.

17. Dig out your best playlist.

18. Dismiss all suggestions that your plans aren’t “fun” enough.

19. And enjoy!

Read More:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/27/new-years-eve-planning-anxiety_n_4468064.html?utm_hp_ref=women&ir=Women?utm_hp_ref=women&ir=Women

A Message From The Creator


A Message From Kim
