Women’s News: Pamela Barnes, EngenderHealth CEO: ‘It’s Time To Leave Our Comfort Zone’

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We’re consistently inspired by stories of women who made major life changes — and came out on top.

This week The Grindstone’s Carrie Murphy interviewed Pamela Barnes, the President and CEO of EngenderHealth, a women’s health nonprofit. Barnes, who worked in finance for 20 years before making the move to the not-for-profit sector, spoke to Murphy about taking leaps of faith:

For all professionals, and especially young women, the world outside our comfort zone can be huge and scary. Until we are willing to put ourselves out there and take a risk, we will never be able to achieve professional success and realize our potential. It’s time to leave our comfort zone; time to go after what we’re passionate about; and time to achieve our dreams.

Barnes has also spoken out about the importance of including men in discussions about women’s health and inequality. In a March 8 blog for the Huffington Post, Barnes wrote: “We must invest in and create programs that focus on engaging menand women to promote equality.”

Sounds good to us.

Read More:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/28/pamela-barnes-engenderhealth-ceo_n_3518727.html?utm_hp_ref=women&ir=Women

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