A Message From The Creator

“Every event in life can be causing only one of two things. Either it is good for you, or it is bringing up what you need to look at in order to create good for you.” – Deepak Chopra

Ladies, have you ever been in a situation where you were feeling trapped.

When you feel “stuck,” the first thing you want to do is struggle.  Flailing about, throwing your weight around, trying harder and harder, pushing against the resistance you feel.  Only these things don’t get you unstuck.  In fact, they tend to make you sink deeper into whatever problem you are trying to solve.

From time to time we all have problems that seem to take on a life of their own.  We try to solve them, but the solution doesn’t come easy.  We try harder to solve the problem, but the harder we try, the more we feel like we are getting no where.  This is feeling stuck.

When you feel stuck, follow these steps for optimal problem solving:

Stop – A really simple first step.  When you notice that you are “sinking,” stop struggling immediately.  You don’t want to sink any further.

Define the problem – This may seem unnecessary or a waste of time, but knowing exactly what the problem is helps us take the correct action.  Also, sometimes there is a problem behind the problem.  You need to know which one to work on first, but also which one is the “root” problem.

Focus on the present – Don’t worry about things that have already past, for instance, what you “should have done” to avoid the problem.  It may be true, but at this point, it’s not helpful to dwell on it.  Once you are unstuck, you can go back and reflect on patterns and behavior that lead to the problem, but in the heat of the moment, it’s not something to focus on.  If you are stuck in quicksand don’t worry about the wrong turn you took that lead you there, focus on getting out.

Focus on solutions – Focusing on solutions will lead you toward a solution.  Focusing on the problem will lead you back to the problem.  Solutions energize you.

What can I do next? – Every huge problem or task is simply a series of small steps.  Figure out which small step you need to take next.  Size honestly doesn’t matter here.  Even the smallest step forward will count.  Keep asking yourself “What can I do next?” until you are done.  Moving forward steadily (not necessarily quickly) will eventually get you to your solution.


  1. fergmeister says:

    Hi LadyRomp, Thank you for following my blog. I like your’s, very inspirational. I’ll look forward to reading more. Ian

  2. Hi and thanks for signing up for my posts. cheers

  3. One cannot exit quicksand on one’s own. We need to extend our hand and ask for help. You are right about taking it a step at a time. Sometimes looking at the end of the solution keeps us from getting to that end.

  4. There is no way out of quicksand on one’s own, we need to extend our hand and ask for help.
    You’re right about taking small steps. If we focus on the end of the solution we might never get there.

  5. You sound like a very positive person, can’t wait to read more from your blog too. Thanks for the follow !!!

  6. This is wonderful advice! 🙂

  7. mymcbooks says:

    I just wanted to thank you for stopping by Mymcbooks. I hope I’ll see you back again soon!

    Have a wonderful day and happy reading!

    Thanks again!

  8. When I read your post, I felt a connection – I share these views, too and believe in a problem-solving approach as you do. I really enjoy your positive outlook and admire that you have chosen to use your blog as a way to empower women. I look forward to reading more!

  9. Reblogged this on TotallyInspiredPC and commented:
    Check out LadyRomp’s inspiring blog that commemorates triumphant women who excel and succeed. The blog I created today TotallyInspiredPC caught her attention, and I am glad it did!
    Paulette Le Pore Motzko

  10. Thank you for following searchingforjane.com. Nice to know you and it looks like I’ll enjoy reading your posts as well. Love your attitude!

  11. Hi! A fine set of thoughts, I must say. As Sonja Bukvic said, it is pretty hard to get out of quicksands on your own. Recently I kind of hit a brick wall, I thought to myself that I had done my best, kept striving for a time and then I decided to let it go. Not forget things or ignore them, but to trust.
    And I feel I’m on the verge of a getting out… 🙂
    Thanks for inspiring ideas!

  12. Rick D Stokes says:

    I like the focus of your blog. Thank you for taking an interest in mine.

  13. Hi there. Just popped over to say thank you so much for choosing to follow my blog! Hope you’ll continue to enjoy it:)

  14. Hello Ladyromp!
    Good to hear from you. Thanks for showing interest in my blog. Keep in touch.
    Be seeing you soon.

  15. We can all use a little inspiration. Nice blog! Thanks for stopping by my blog as well.

  16. Firstly may I compliment you on a great blog. Some sound advice which I may have to follow. Also thank you for taking a look at my blog, baarmychris, and choosing to follow.

  17. Yes, this is such wonderful advice. I noticed the same. Kept flailing about and struggling. I had to stop that. Let go. Seek help for myself. Get to know me. Focus on solutions FOR ME and no one else. That’s when the struggles turned into PROGRESS.

    Nice to meet you. I look forward to your posts. How insightful you are, and I appreciate it. Great post!

  18. I really liked your message! We are living in a time where women have to be extra strong in all things! Thanks for visiting my site! Come back again you will enjoy it! Thanks!

  19. Thank you for following me! great blog! : )

  20. Good thoughts but difficult (for me anyway) to follow. Especially focusing on the present.

    Also, thanks for following me!

    • Thank you so much for your comments, but if you do not mind me asking, why is it difficult for you right now?

      • Oh, this is nothing new. I have had the tendency to get stuck on certain aspect of my life, positive and negative, that prevent me from moving forward until something else captures my attention since I can remember. Sometimes I get obsessive about my past with detriment to my present. Not that I can’t focus on present, it just takes considerable effort and/or luck.

  21. Nativegrl77 says:

    Thank you for the follow … much gratitude and i will follow as well, again thank you

  22. I wanted to thank you for following my blog. Yours looks interesting and useful, and as is usual for most who follow my blog, not quite what I was expecting. I really like being surprised by these sorts of things.

  23. Hi LadyRomp: Very good advice.

    A bit more inspiration if I may. Women and Men get caught up in their emotions and the need to have their needs met and being “right” about boundary violations that occur daily. The feeling of being stuck often puts the person in state of “Freeze” that goes along with Fight/Flight. Thinking your way out of the this is often difficult for most. As you said, Living In the Present Moment helps. As others stated above, If I make a decision to let my emotions go, or let my beliefs about the situation go, and release them but not thinking, thinking, thinking the problem starts to move and dissolve.

    Our feelings are like clouds, they come and go. Holding on the problem, our unmet needs, the infractions to our boundaries doesn’t make them better. Like you said, being in quicksand, any movement makes you sink deeper.

    If I can’t seem to let go, ask “When, then?” Even a small effort of releasing can help you get closer to dry land.

    “Do I want to be right and alone?”

    “It is neither good, nor bad, it just is.” – Osho

    “What should I do for the best outcome?”

    These help me. Women are amazing as they are seem to gravitate towards self discovery in mass compared to men. Deepak said it so well. There are so many opportunities each day for self discovery.
    All the irritations help bring up what needs letting go of today.

    Many may have heard the saying, When you meet someone who triggers you into negativity you are looking in the mirror and see yourself. WOW! I first heard this and made me really ponder. I don’t like that quality and it is me. Hard to admit.

    I teach Anger Management and the first stages of self discovery is to know thyself. We then move into learning to control oneself and one’s emotions (including anger). After a while we move into Social Awareness and then Relationship Management. These are all aspects of “Emotional Intelligence.” I had not heard of this before Anger Management. Some may want to check this out further.

    I am reading the book: ‘The Sedona Method’ now and is all about releasing for those seeking a new book to read. I am not connected to them in any way.

    Blessing to all who help make the world a better place! – Richard

  24. sherry53 says:

    Thanks for tha inspiration.

  25. Very nice post here. You’ve written a simple but effectual piece to help people identify the issue and move forward. 🙂


  26. Practical, to the point, sensible — ah, common sense. I so love seeing that commodity, and the more you spread it around, the more there is!

    Thank you for visiting, and following, Middle Aged Plague.

  27. Thanks for following my blog! I’ll try to keep you entertained and you can keep me inspired. Such a deal! 🙂

  28. Empowerment is making decisions and taking responsibilities for the decisions you make. Thanks for the follow hun. Hope you enjoy my future musings : )

  29. Hi. Thanks for following my (very new) bog about workplace bullying. I’m hoping to shape it into positive advice for those who find themselves in a difficult place, so am happy for bloggers who create appropriate material to post there. Enjoyed reading your simple problem-solving steps – keep up the good work!

  30. I’d be grateful if you could change ‘bog’ to blog! lol 🙂

  31. Just a slip of the keyboard, but it didn’t half make me feel foolish – especially as I’m heading for the ‘bogs of Ireland’ for a holiday today! 🙂 Thanks for your help!

  32. Glad that you have started following me – I do need some inspiration and motivation quite a lot of times specially being a creative person – very often I see myself start feeling so restless and down! Looking forward to more…:)

  33. omaymen says:

    have you ever been in a situation where you were feeling trapped?

    Yes I’m one of those who were feeling trapped in life of others.
    All my life I live for family happiness,I never look to mine.

    I feel that they abuse my love cause they know my weakness.
    I tried to change my personality and I could not.

    I feel it is too late.

    • It is never too late to change!!!!! We have to first change our minds because that is where feeling trapped begins. Once you are able to recognize that you are feeling trapped and why you are feeling you can begin to change it. You are at the first steps. You recognize that you are feeling trapped and why. The rest is up to you. Don’t struggle to get out of it, come up with a plan and take it step by step and free yourself from the bondage that is your mind. I hope that helps you today. You can do it!!!!! Go for it!!!

  34. Thandiwe says:

    Hi! thanks for visiting my blog and deciding to follow it – it’s been so much fun for me to reminisce about my travels over the last few years and the journey that has brought me to where I am today. I’m excited to read more about your journey. Thanks for sharing!

  35. Hi Lady,

    You are my first blog follower!! Yay!! Giving myself permission to write out loud for the first time. I clicked on the first link in the notice and came to this post..Croike!! You been romping in my head Lady Romp? Everything your wrote is an echo of why I need to write. Get past the anger/resentment and down to the beauty.

    Truly, bitterness is like drinking poison and expecting the other guy to die, right?

    • You are so right!!! That is exactly why I do this, because it helps me to help other people. Trust me, when you start writing your feelings down you are going to feel so much lighter and things in your life will not so heavy anymore. So I encourage you to write girl write!!!!

  36. nicely put; we all help each other; keep your eye on the horizon; like your blog

  37. This is a great post and blog! Very inspirational and I am sure we all could use that. Btw thanks for following my blog and I am doing the same 🙂

  38. Hello Ladyromp…. thank you for the ‘follow’ to my blog…. and yes, taking one step at a time can take you miles .. it is the only way to go…
    I like your supportive articles for women (and men)…
    have a blessed Easter..

  39. Hi Ladyromp, thanks for following my blog. This advice is right on, though it isn’t always so easy to remember in the momeny. I love your smile in this photo, BTW.

    • Thank you so much Anna!!! I know exactly what you mean. I was just speaking to one of my aunts this morning about that very thing, but I feel that that is time when we need to hold on to these words the most because that is when we need them.

  40. Hi, thanks so much for following my blog, you are officially my first subscriber. Love your blog and the positive messages you are sending out to men and women out there! xxx

  41. Thanks for following my blog http://hendritan.wordpress.com/. May I know how do you find it? Do you have any feedback? I’m very new on this. Your input must be a great help. Thanks in advance ^-^

  42. Hello, thank you for visiting and following my blog. I was thrilled when I visited yours and found such wisdom, love and inspiration. I am very happy to meet you! Love to you, Linda

  43. Hello! So glad you found my site, and I hope it brings beauty and inspiration to you, as I can see that you in turn share these gifts with so many others! I love that this ‘web’ of people can uplift those near and far! Be well – Julianna

  44. Thank you! for following my little blog. What a compliment from someone like you……Wendy Frye

  45. Love the opening quote…shared it with a friend. Glad to be blogging companions on the Way.

  46. Hey, LadyRomp, thanks for following! And thank you for your words of inspiration and support! Love it!

  47. Thank you for romping to House of Angels … stopping and wanting to follow.

    Fabulous advice, which I’m going to pass on to my student son … who is ‘stuck’!

  48. Excellent post…I just stopped by to return the love for following my new blog…I look forward to reading more from you!

  49. Thanks for following. 🙂

  50. Thanks for your kind response to my recent blog-and thanks to you for your wonderful insights

  51. I think, maybe, Gentlemen ought to be added to the begining, Ladies & Gentlemen!!! Doesn’t it apply to us all….

  52. Whew, did I need your post! I may have to refer to it from time to time to keep me balanced. Thanks for the positve thoughts and for visiting my site!

  53. Thank you very much for your kindness. Glad to share your blog too!

  54. brendamarroy says:

    Good suggestions and well written blog.

  55. I like this advice and I am privileged you are following my blog!

  56. Blessings to you and all who you love!!!

  57. Thank you so much for following my blog. I find yours interesting and inspirational!

  58. Thanks for following my blog LadyRomp.

  59. Great ideas, and so true, thanks. Thanks also for stopping by and following my blog, DevotedtoQuilting. It was a great way to meet you. 🙂

  60. Thank you for following my blog. Blessings on your day.

  61. Your thoughts remind me of Jeremiah 6:16. Thanks for following me!

  62. Great advice. It seems like it’s always easier to help someone else get unstuck. The real task is to follow tips like you mentioned and do the same for yourself.

  63. Hi ladyromp, thank you for your piece, its great. I look forward to hearing more from you, as always.
    Best wishes with love and light.

  64. Thanks for your important and thoughtful words, and thank you for your comment. I have “connected” my writings to Twitter under the name @tzedaqyal. Thank you.

  65. Wow…just what I needed to read at this moment 🙂

  66. Wow – just what I needed to read at this moment 🙂

  67. Thanks LadyRomp for stopping by my post and following.
    I like your blog and the above post. We all go through things like this on occasion.

  68. Thanks so much for following my blog!

  69. susansplace says:

    Beautiful post. Good advice! And thank you for checking out my blog, too!

  70. I love the quicksand imagery. And “focus on the present”. Words of wisdom, but they are so tough to live out!

  71. Thanks for coming. Vibrations are ringing out louder than ever because what you are saying here is so off the planet and it resonates with me. Great to find more enlightened souls. Support, love, teach and learn from each other. Love and light. Watch the sky!

  72. Good post. Thanks for following my miracles blog. Appreciate it!

  73. newurbansurvivor says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I was a pleasure to hear from you. I will work hard to keep adding stuff. Love your post here, especially the part about taking small steps. I seem to always want everything right now because I am impatient. But, then you miss seeing the scenery along the way. So thank you for the subtle reminder

  74. Dear ladyromp, thank you for following my blog…loved reading ur post! truly inspirational…

  75. Simon Marsh says:

    WOW! I’m going to share this message … and try to act upon its advice! Thank you for inspiring. And thank you for visiting my own blog. Joy and peace for you 🙂

  76. Well I may be a ‘lady of another kind,’ but I found your post very inspiring.

    That’s great counsel. I was just thinking this morning that anger and depression are caused by struggle against what is.

    I believe this is another way of saying “becoming aware of your feelings and the present moment.” Most of the time when we’re upset we don’t even know what’s causing it. If we did, we wouldn’t be upset!

    Very challenging, but so very true.

    I believe this means realizing that you are free, you are always free.

    That’s great counsel, really.

  77. I appreciate your positive attitude. While I’m not so certain that in today’s world women need that much more support than most men, who certainly had it all their way for thousands of years (I explained my thoughts on that in one of my articles), I definitely feel your intelligence and your good vibes in support of the STRONGER sex! Cheers, Don

  78. Beautiful and inspirational blog. Your words mean so much to me. And thank you for the follow.

  79. Hello, ladyromp! Very nice blog; inspirational. 🙂 Thank you for following my blog. Your blog is much prettier than mine, but so are you prettier than me. LOL! Have a great day!

  80. Thank you for visiting my blog. I’m greatly appreciated. Ive enjoyed reading through yours aw well.


  81. thank you lady romp for joining my blog! I am excited even thou its new and needs a lot of work yet….I am hoping to spread the word of natural and affordable healing to everyone….

  82. Hmnn…good advice for any occasion or undertaking…a capsule of what they used to hope a college grad had figured out by the time she got her diploma!

  83. Thank you for following my blog
    Just followed back
    This post is truly inspiring
    All the best, Jenny

  84. You may be encouraged to know that Chinese women are – by and large – doing well in China – http://thinking.grant-thornton.co.uk/emergingmarkets/index.php/article/chinas_businesswomen_rank_high_for_ceo_and_fd_roles. The late Chairman Mao used to say: “Women hold up half the sky.”

  85. Also, despite all the old traditions, India is doing its share for women in the business field (and also in politics) – http://businesstoday.intoday.in/coverage/108/1/most-powerful-women-of-2011.html It was no accident that the first Prime Minister’s daughter (Indira Gandhi) became a prime minister herself; tragically to be assassinated by her own bodyguards.

  86. ladyromp, thank you for following my blog. If you have any comments about anything I post, feel free to comment. I am still figuring out how to use WordPress so it may take some time for me to be able to have mine looking as good as you have yours.
    Again, thanks

  87. Hi LadyRomp. Your blog is very inspirational. I love your platform. Thanks for following my blog and I hope u don’t mind me adding yours as a link on my site.

  88. Hi. Thank you for the follow! I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read of yours and will definitely start following yours as well. You are an advocate for women. That’s beautiful! Bless you. We need more women like you empowering each other!

  89. Thanks for following my blog. I look forward to reading yours, too.

  90. wonderful, writing with great feelin…thank you! blessings!

  91. Thanks for taking a look at my blog. I like the positive messages you are writing about.

  92. Thanks you for following my blog 🙂 And when i see all the blogs you are following I wonder how you have time for anything else at all 🙂

  93. LadyRomp indeed. Nice to meet you.

  94. It sounds like we are all trying to meet our challenges and grow. Thank you for finding my blog. I loved you post.

  95. Such an inspirational post!
    Thank you for your positive messages, honesty and sharing..
    We appreciate your following and hope that our passions, parallel your own 🙂

  96. Reblogged this on pravinchn.

  97. boldbohemian says:

    Great blog with great advice!

  98. Good points! And I am impressed with the number of people liking you and commenting. Good work …

  99. Thank you for your “follow”. You’ve a great blog as well!

  100. Very valuable and sensible advice. Also, you have a lovely smile…the heart to go with the advice!

  101. uncletadbaker says:

    Hey, Ladyromp, thanks for taking an interest in my blog. I’ve been quite busy lately putting together a couple different shows, along with a host of other issues, but I wanted to say thanks for making contact, and that, after I visited your blog and took some time to read what you’re about, I signed up, hoping to read more of what turns you on.

    You have a distinct, passionate view; passionate in the sense you feel it strongly, or at least that comes across in your writing, who really knows how or what anyone else really actually feels, right? Whatever it is affects you, and it makes for good writing.

    Anyway, I hope you get a chance to look over LoonShow.com and all its mad activity. I don’t know if you know but I’m in a wheelchair now and am facing the challenges and difficulties attendant with live performance and paralysis. I’m giving my all to perform my work, however, and I trust you had a chance to take a deeper look at what I do than getting merely offended at the outset and walking away, as some even most seem to do. I judge, from your writing, you’re much more broad-minded than that.

    Stay in touch, and again, thanks for reaching out, Uncle Tad

  102. You really buzz with positivity. If I’m caught in quicksand I’ll be bellowing for you and expecting a lot of hands to be prepared to help pull me out. Believe me, mine will be there should any of you find yourselves stuck….one request though, don’t get stuck far out as I don’t know how far I can stretch yet. xx

  103. Le Loup says:

    I see you are following my blog ladyromp. I will not be posting much there, this was an attempt to get away from blogger who are constantly messing about & making things hard for blogger users!!! However, I am unable to transfere everything from blogger to wordpress, so I will leave it there in case I just can’t stand blogger any more.
    Regards, Keith.
    A Woodsrunner’s Diary (blog)

  104. To me, one of the ways solving the problems is to see them small like rabbits, and the results will come as quickly as rose buds in hand …

  105. Many thanks! Your inspiring message is perfect timing and a welcome reminder in my own conversation with God. I am truly grateful. Shelley

  106. Good advice.
    Thanks visit my blog.

  107. Thanks so much Ladyromp for following my blog. What a nice inspirational blog you have here. I like your nice choice of words and i hope to read more of it. Keep it up.

  108. Good advice!
    Thanks for following!

  109. Thanks for the follow. Looking forward to read more.

    Also thanks for sharing the steps. It really is useful because sometimes when I falls into a problem, I start to get a bit lost and these steps help to define the problem clearly, making it easy to solve


  110. My dear Lady Romp, thanks so much for visiting my page and sharing my thoughts, I love your beautiful smile and thoughts!

  111. ladyromp–I’m new at this and nice to have a follower. Thanks much.

  112. Thank you so much for following my blog. I’m honored.

  113. Thanx for following my blog–churchbus71andetc. I really like this article you have really detailed some very helpful things to do when a person finds themselves in a tough situation. It is so easy to act before we think and then make everything worse. I like the “stop” first and sometimes this is the time we need to just sit down before the Lord and ask Him for His wisdom and advice:)

  114. Very nice and inspiration words, thanks for share…….have a lovely week:)

  115. Fabulous post. It’s just what I need right now. And thank you for following my blog. I shall certainly be following this one. 🙂

  116. Welcome and thank you for subscribing to follow my blog. I hope you are encouraged, inspired and enjoy the photos I post. As a new follower I have nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award. Please pick it up here. http://wp.me/p23TG1-JZ


  117. rigmover says:

    Thanks very much for the follow, you have a great site, keep it up.

  118. Thank you so much for liking my blog and following me. It’s quite a journey and my blog is all about connecting, with myself, others, with my writing voice. I am doing all in can to look at what comes up that’s good and also what needs to be looked at…so I can shine some light on my deep, dark places. Look forward to connecting with you.

  119. Hello Romp, thank you for the follow, and the
    Great post, it is Straight to the Point. I believe
    When Stuck, it’s more than one Problem, So
    Identify, Accept, Define, Priority, Solution, Time .

  120. thanks for following my blog

  121. For the not-incredibly-religious, but incredibly spiritual, this post, if nothing else, tells us to take ‘baby=steps’ when attempting to define and sole a problem; good advice!


  122. Reblogged this on LUPUS CHRONICLES and commented:
    Having chronic illnesses, we all face problems and ‘mini-problems’ daily. THis post asks us to put things into perspective and define the real problem1

  123. Crisp, to the point and absolutely an essential read. 🙂 In fact only day before yesterday I told a whining friend not to focus on the problem but on the solution. I am definitely gonna share this post with him.

  124. This is very helpful. Thank you for this post and thank you for following my posts. Have a great day!

  125. Hi Ladyromp,
    I am just starting, so thank you so much for the follow. I will come back to your site when I have more time to fully appreciate what I can already see is a beautiful place to hang out.
    Thank you,

  126. thanks for following my blog – you have a good one going here and I like the theme, women are very hard workers and many times they never get their due respect! Keep up your work and best wishes.

  127. Hi LadyRomp. 🙂 Thank you for visiting my blog and following. I appreciate that a lot. I am looking forward to more interactions with you. 🙂
    My best regards, Imelda

  128. Thanks so much for the inspiration, keep on doing what you do. Thanks for stopping by my blog, cheers!

  129. I’ve finally started doing this with several areas in my life (oh clutter…) – great advice to come back to again and again….

  130. I am excited I found your website at a time like this. Very informative. Keep doing what you do.

  131. Reblogged this on livelonglovelife.

  132. Thank you so much for following my photo blog, lady

    romp, you are the first!

  133. Well said. Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you enjoy my future posts.

  134. Krystiana Stacy Kelly says:

    Excellent advice!

  135. Thank you, Ladyromp, for following me. Ilove what you have to say, and I look forward to more of your “good advice”.

  136. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog! You have a great blog here and I look forward to seeing more!

  137. Hi Ladyromp,

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog. As you point out, we’re all stronger if we support one another.

  138. Thank you for your kind words!

  139. Hello. I remember you from a few months ago. Glad to see your blog is doing well. BTW, your background is pretty nice. Did you modify the CSS yourself or is it part of a theme?

  140. Thanks for following my blog. I enjoyed your post. Very wise words.

  141. Sometimes you need to wait, at least for a short while, and see what develops. You can keep busy doing something else or maybe even so some small steps on the current problem. But waiting can be a valuable step and save you from making some big mistakes. 🙂

  142. Great advice here. I look forward to sharing insights with you more…

  143. Thanks for following my blog. I’m inspired by your nice advice :
    how to reach solutions when problems occur.

  144. Sometimes something like your post comes alsong at just the right time. This is one of those ocassions! Thanks!

  145. Hi, thanks for following my blog. Glad you liked the painting.

  146. Hi Ladyromp! Thanks for the follow – and I appreciate your post here about not struggling. My car blew up yesterday and I was supposed to start a new internship with the local Chamber of Commerce so I needed to be reminded not to struggle but to just let events unfold! All will be well.

  147. So excited to have found your site. Thanks for the follow as well. All my best, Lark

  148. Thanks for the follow @ clara54, Kim! I’ve just returned the courtesy. When you have a moment, visit my motivational site here: http://authentic-woman.net where I invite folks to shine their light & help empower others!

    Peace & blessings,

  149. Hi there! This blog is filled with great advice. I’m happy to have discovered it! Thanks again for following. I really appreciate the views! 🙂


  150. Reblogged this on 102revelationtoday and commented:
    Enjoyed the message! Thank you for following my blog…Women need encouragement daily….

  151. Good Stuff !

  152. Hi, I noticed you chose to follow my blog today. Thank you! I look forward to reading more on your site as well.

  153. Hi LadyRomp, just what I needed this morning. Appreciate you following my blog. Look forward to more inspiration.! Nate

  154. LadyRomp, just what I needed this morning. Thanks. Nice of you to follow my blog! Cheers. Nate

  155. Very good advice. Keep it up

  156. Thank for following our blog at xytus.wordpress.com. Education Go Abroad will be much delighted on your future comment. Share with us how you feel on our article. Feel free to drop a message. Thank you.

  157. simple and easy! love your philosophy! i would only add one more step and that is to recognize the everyday blessings that we often lose sight of in the face of adversity. small (and large) things that we take for granted such as the ability to read these words are true blessings, and being aware of what we have is a great way to find a branch that will help pull you out of the quicksand

  158. Thank you for following my blog at http://www.paulareports.wordpress.com
    I was delighted to see you talk about everyday things that happen with real people.
    God Bless

  159. Thank you for the Follow! Based on this post, I can tell you are passionate about helping others become better. I look very forward to reading future posts.

  160. Hi there!! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and following!! I am honored. I like your theme/ idea of a blog for inspirational women!! Women underestimate their power and worth too often!! Great job. Keep it up!!

  161. romansaharian says:

    Hi, ladyromp

    Nice article
    and thank you for following my romance comics blog.

    I see you like to help others,
    but if at sometime you need your “me time” don’t hesitate to visit my blog to enjoy romance.


  162. Reblogged this on EXPERTNEWS.

  163. Nice blog, very empowering. Thank you for visiting my blog. I look forward to more of your positive messages.

  164. Thank you for following me, L.R.:) I look forward to getting to know you…getting to know all about you! Blessings…

  165. Hello Ladyromp,

    This is the second time I have heard this advice and it is solid. I first heard this advice from Derek Rydall. Seeing it again on your blog acts as a gentle reminder.

  166. Hi Ladyromp, thanks for the blog follow. This post has some a good reminders– especially the advice to “just stop”. How easy it is to forget that first step!

  167. Jessica Schmidt says:

    Thanks so much for following my blog, The Primal Seven Plan.
    Best wishes to you with your own writing endeavors!


  168. Wonderful positive energy! and you are right .. “just stop” .. is a good start. 🙂

  169. Nice to meet you, and thank you, follow. Thanking you in advance!

  170. Great advice. Thanks for the follow on my blog 🙂

  171. Thank you very much for following. Ladyromp.com is very interesting and meets my interest.. for this reason, I follow you back

  172. Thanks for following my blog. It is a work in progress, but I hope to be as good as you are at your blog someday! 🙂 Again, thanks for following me! I look forward to reading your blog! Cheers, Shane

  173. Very interesting opening statement. Works well for almost anything you do. One step, one day, one week, and so on and so forth we go. I pretty much to this on a minute to minute basis if I am having a major blow-out with two autistic teenagers or as we kept on going when my husband passed away on Father’s Day six years ago.

    Yes, your first message works wonders. I cannot wait to read more as I move forward with you and now, Thank You for following me.

  174. ah shoot left a boo boo of course now i see it

  175. So often we look at problems as inconveniences, stressors, and more—instead of opportunities. I like your approach!

  176. Thank you for following my blog, it led me here.
    This is an inspirational post, problems are always easier to handle if they are cut into slices and resolved one slice at a time.
    Will be following, take care

  177. It isn’t often you find practical advice as this instead of the usual fluff. You made some great points.

  178. LadyRomp,

    Great name by the way. Thank you so much for checking out my blog. It’s always a boost. Looks like you have a great blog going yourself. Sometimes people need to have a little help knowing how to think about certain issues. I believe you are providing that here.


  179. Hi LadyRomp, Thanks for dropping by and following my blog. I look forward to reading more of yours. Cheers!

  180. Thanks for the follow this morning! It’s always fun to check out a new blog and yours looks super interesting. 🙂

  181. Hi,
    I have just finished reading your words of inspiration and can only say, I like it. I like the encouragement and the positiveness that you instill in your writing.
    Thank you for writing positively and I thank you for following my blog. I hope we continue to meet each other and get to know one another in our writing.

  182. So true. Keep moving. Put one foot in front of the other.

  183. gayatrimohan says:

    So much truth in this post. Thanks for visiting my blog and following me!

  184. great advice. figuring out the root cause is so important. good reminder. thanx!

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  186. Ladyromp–thank you for following my blog. Looks like your blog is inspiring!

  187. Thank you for following my blog. I look forward to more interchange of ideas and topics

  188. Thanks for following my blog. I saw yours. Nice initiative…. It was really really needed, not only for ladies but also for gents as well….. Great work,,, Keep it up….. 🙂


  189. Hi, Thanks for following my blog and for the like, really appreciate it. Great blog, inspiring!

  190. dale carnegi said, when i have too many things to do and do not know where to start, i sit down and do nothing. smoke a cigar. after a while things begin to sort themselves. stop worrying and start livivg


  1. […] A Message From The Creator « LadyRomp Posted on April 16, 2012 A Message From The Creator « LadyRomp. […]

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