A Message From The Creator



  1. How would that make me my happiest? that makes me sad

  2. Thanks for following “What’s the Good Word?” Blessings to you as you share pertinent info for women!

  3. Powerful quote – I love it! Celeste 🙂

  4. Well, I like it! You see people either add to your life or take away from your life. Do the math and see what makes you the happiest

  5. Love this message! Thanks for following my blog….. :-

  6. Great blog! Thanks for finding & following my farfetchedfriends. 🙂
    I will follow you and look forward to your wonderful future posts

  7. This is totally true. It applies to everyone we met in life even spouses, children, ex-spouses, family members, colleagues etc. We cant force anyone to stay in our lives or not.
    Thanks for coming by my blog.

  8. A handsomely bound and crafted book is a beautiful thing, indeed. It is made all the more beautiful by handling and reading. The broken binding and the yellowing of pages with age. It is the slight bend to the edges and watermarks that make you pick it up lovingly. That is all our life experiences are. Whether events or people. Staying long or passing through. It is all meant to bring depth and character to what was already lovely.

  9. So true. Thank you for following my blog. I just posted A Reason, A Season, A Lifetime on g+. Nothing is forever and yet every connection leaves a forever imprint.

  10. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. Blessings, Mtetar

  11. Nice peace of write up. may God continue to give you inspirations

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